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The residents of Seminole Estates hold a Bazaar every year. It is held in the fall and everyone is invited to participate. Handcrafted items and baked goods are available to purchase.

Ladies Book Club

An alive and well Book Club meets monthly to discuss a book that has been selected for discussion. A wide variety of books have been covered over several years as members take turns in selecting the book-of-the-month. New members are welcome. See the Tee Pee Topics for details.

Garage Sale

A community-wide garage sale is held during the summer months of alternating years. All the participating homes are well marked. The event is advertised widely by various ways and is usually well attended.

Residents can dispose of their unwanted clutter, make some money and have an enjoyable day. A nominal fee is paid to SERA for participation and to help cover advertising and other common expenses.

Ladies Luncheon

The ladies of Seminole meet on the fourth Friday of the month for lunch. There is a sign-up sheet in the clubhouse. This event has been enjoyed since 1993.

A variety of restaurants has been chosen to visit. Anywhere from seven to thirty ladies attend the luncheon. It is open to all the ladies in the park. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors. See the Tee Pee Topics for information.

Men's Breakfast

The men of Seminole meet on the second Saturday of the month for breakfast, going to different restaurants. There is a sign-up sheet in the clubhouse. See the Tee Pee Topics for information.

Monday Morning Coffee

All residents and guests are welcome to a coffee break in the clubhouse every Monday morning at 9:00 am. It is usually over by 10:00 am. Coffee, tea and goodies are available.

Announcements of the week's activities are made, and birthdays and anniversaries are recognized. Other items of interest include the day in history and a few jokes.

Residents who attend take turns volunteering to provide goodies or making the coffee and set-up and clean-up. There is monthly sign-up sheet and the duties are shared between those who attend. Drop-ins are always welcome.

New Residents Social (Welcome)

Twice a year the new residents of the park are invited to a welcoming event at the clubhouse. It is open to ALL residents and the purpose is to inform the new residents of all the activities that take place in the park. It also provides a chance to acquaint new residents with the SERA board members, Color Captains and chairpersons of the on-going committees.

Coloring and Crafts

Come join in some fun! Bring your favorite craft activity, i.e., knitting, sewing, crocheting, quilting, etc., or come if you just want to enjoy visiting. If you enjoy coloring being your illustrations and colored pencils or markers. It meets every Wednesday from 1 to 2:30 pm in the clubhouse. Everyone is welcome! See the Tee Pee Topics for details.


The Potluck is a SERA Social event. SERA stands for Seminole Estates Residents Association. If you are a SERA Social member please wear your name tag. To become a SERA Social member the cost is $10.00 a year which allows you to come to the potluck for free plus discounts for various other events. Guests and non-SERA social members will pay $5.00 per person at each potluck they attend. Check in at the card table to pay please.

The potluck is held on the second Thursday of each month at the clubhouse. It starts at 6 pm but most come for a social/happy hour at 5 pm where choosing your dessert and appetizers is the tradition. You may want to bring a drink your choice, however coffee, tea and a punch are provided.

You also need to bring your own table service include a glass, plate, silverware and a grocery bag for taking home your used dishes. There is not enough room in the kitchen to do clean up, that is why we ask that you take your things home. PLEASE, bring a dish to share that is able to feed 6 to 8 adult persons. Please be sure to sign up if you are attending. There is a sign-up sheet at the Clubhouse. Please be aware of your portion size as there are many to come behind you and we don't want to run out of food. You will have an opportunity to go up for seconds.

Each month various groups or persons host the potluck. They are responsible for the main dish which is usually a meat. Each month is centered around a specific theme. Every table has a card with something written on it to do with the theme. When that name is called those at that table for forward for their food.

Tee Pee Topics

The Tee Pee Topics is the monthly newsletter of Seminole Estates. It is self-sustaining through advertising and donations. The paper provides news of the various social activities, SERA Board communications, articles of interest, news from the Park Manager and a calendar of events for the month. Residents are invited to make use of the advertising for $1.00 per line. The deadline for submitting material for the Tee Pee Topics is the 15th of each month. The volunteer editorial board is responsible for the content, editing and advertising of the Tee Pee Topics. Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Paper copies of the Tee Pee Topics may be picked up on the first of the month from the Tee Pee Topics box by the mailboxes. Many people receive the Tee Pee Topics electronically, which helps lower the printing costs. Each resident is the eyes and ears of Seminole Estates.

Pancake Breakfast

On the fourth Saturday of each month (except November and December) there was a pancake breakfast prepared by the men of the park. They were excellent cooks and offered pancakes, French toast, hash browns, ham or sausage, and eggs cooked to order. It was an all you can eat for a nominal charge. SERA Social members paid less, but guests were always welcome for a small additional coast. Drop-ins were welcome.

The pancake breakfasts were discontinued in March 2020 due to lack of participation.