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Residents by Last Name

The Residents Directory displays individual residents alphabetically by last name along with phone numbers and email addresses. Click a letter button to expose those with last names starting with that letter. Click it again to hide the names.

Abe Abelsen

Unit 201

C: 503-320-9997

Deanna Abelsen

Daniel Aceves*

Zara Altair

David Alvey

Greg Anaya

Bob Andrus

Unit 26

C: 971-268-1333

Kimberlee Austin

Jill Bachem

Unit 14

H: 503-531-0112

Al Baker*

Unit 165

C: 503-645-9079

Birthday: February 16

Paige Baker

Bonnie Barkatt

Susan Baumeister

Lorene Bay*

Unit 6

C: 503-593-8228

Birthday: July 8

Carl Beer*

Yvonne Bello

Brian Berg

Jan Berg

Jo Ann Binkerd*

Unit 54

C: 503-330-9899

Birthday: September 24

Charlotte Blumenthal*

Unit 148

C: 503-312-6916

Birthday: September 20

Stan Blumenthal*

Unit 148

C: 503-577-1854

Birthday: February 22

Lori Boles

William (Bill) Bolick

Shirley Bolman*

Donna Bottcher

Marianne Bratt*

Unit 165

C: 503-201-5738

Birthday: January 2

Stacy Buchanan

Rhoda Buckley

Edward Burgett

Unit 127

H: 503-533-5682

Linda Burgett

Unit 127

H: 503-533-5682

Lisa Burks

Keith Cantrell

Chris Chandler

Mary Ann Chandler

Ann Chaney

Unit 149

C: 971-506-6619

Kelly Chaney

Unit 149

C: 971-407-7258

Mary Chapman

Pat Chapman

Richard Chapman

Unit 159

C: 503-349-9665

Birthday: September 5

Sharon Chapman

Unit 159

C: 503-349-9665

Birthday: January 29

Kanya Chau

Unit 56

H: 503-747-6727

C: 503-547-9168

Bradley Checkett*

Martha Checkett*

Rick Checkett*

Unit 158

Doug Clark

Unit 121

Chris Cockreham

Unit 207

C: 503-473-4051

Geri Cockreham

Shaw Colingle

Unit 150

H: 503-747-3511

C: 971-317-6299

Birthday: January 11

Thalia Collins

Sheila Conticello*

Unit 140

C: 503-442-6775

Birthday: March 23

Clara Corliss*

Unit 53

C: 503-330-6475

Birthday: September 26

Sally Coyne

Bonnie Dalbeck*

Unit 118

C: 831-345-8810

Birthday: July 8

Cindie Davis

Kathryne Davis

Marsha Davis*

Unit 84

C: 503-740-3861

Birthday: May 16

Ron Davis

Jim Denson

Robert Ebert

Lori Emley

Laura Eno

Daniel Ezell*

Unit 31

C: 503-443-0966

Birthday: April 26

Sandra Federico

Unit 200

C: 503-307-0304

Kati File

Rick File

CarolAnn Fink*

Unit 97

C: 503-664-6121

Dan Fink*

Karen Finkbeiner

Don Fitzgerald*

Dianne Frank*

Unit 180

C: 541-290-0407

Birthday: July 15

Loretta Frye*

Pete Frye*

Unit 57

H: 503-646-2062

Sabrina Gable*

Ken Giblin

Unit 63

C: 503-260-4300

Saniata (Sunny) Gilo-Sabut

Eugene Gipe*

Francine Glenn

Jerry Glenn

Lucinda Glenn*

Unit 152

C: 503-752-6411

Birthday: December 29

Paul Glenn*

Unit 152

C: 971-226-3718

Birthday: December 11

Michelle Gray

Unit 73

H: 503-626-6716

James (Jim) Green*

Valois (Val) Griffin*

Unit 177

C: 503-716-6290

Janice Gunderson*

Rita L Hall

Unit 192

H: 503-645-3748

Jo Ann Hannon

Unit 154

H: 503-690-3361

Birthday: January 16

Lisa Haqq

Kandyce Harris

Carolyn Harshman

Shirley Hart*

Michelle Hawkins

Bill Haydamack

Unit 65

H: 503-747-5711

Birthday: March 3

Myrna Haydamack*

Unit 65

H: 503-747-5711

C: 503-536-3909

Birthday: September 5

Naida Hedgepeth*

Unit 138

C: 503-991-4148

Birthday: October 1

Pat Heiden

Chris Henderson

Judy Hill*

Lois Huffman*

Sandra Hughes

Jennifer Humphrey

Unit 22

C: 503-730-7673

William Humphrey

Unit 22

C: 503-730-7673

Debbie Ivanov

Unit 95

C: 503-740-7639

Birthday: July 8

Aaron Jackson*

Unit 198

C: 503-998-6308

Birthday: March 14

Anthony Jackson

Edwina Jackson*

Unit 198

C: 503-317-7096

Birthday: January 9

Janine Jackson

Keith Jackson

Unit 105

C: 503-766-8352

Michelle Jackson

Grace Jenne

Unit 144

H: 503-629-8227

Christine Jones*

Joanie Jones

Dorraine Jordan*

Phil Kandel

Unit 185

C: 503-880-7627

Birthday: February 27

Ann Kang

Unit 16

C: 503-896-7911

Kwang Kang

Unit 16

C: 503-896-7911

John Kelly

Unit 194

C: 612-805-3405

Birthday: April 2

Mavene Kennedy

Unit 82

H: 971-317-0841

Pat Kennedy

Unit 82

H: 971-317-0841

Pat Kettle

Debi Key

Brian Knight

Linda Knight

Karen Knutson

Gary Koch

Unit 99

C: 503-351-4094

Laura Koch

Julia Kohler

Unit 182

H: 503-645-9684

C: 971-435-0060

Sun Mo Koo

Unit 92

C: 503-747-9942

Donna Kuzirian

Unit 4

H: 503-642-4698

Judy Kyle

Unit 78

H: 503-640-4663

Maria Lara-Chong

Oscar Lara-Chong

Lars Larson

Deborah Lavery

Bobbie Lindsay*

Norma Liwanag

Joyce Lockard*

Unit 180

C: 503-201-9548

Birthday: July 31

Heather Mabus*

Gene MacIntosh

Jan MacIntosh

Kim Maddalena

Berni Malone

Jay Malone

Norm Malone

Glennda Mang

Lisa Martin

Chris Martinez*

Judy Martinez*

Unit 133

C: 214-418-7488

Birthday: June 21

Martin Martinez*

Elizabeth (Liz) Maxwell*

Unit 55

C: 503-543-5555

Birthday: April 5

Joyce Mayo

Unit 203

C: 503-730-1005

Kent Mayo

Unit 203

C: 503-730-1005

Lynda McCord*

Unit 134

C: 503-309-2725

Birthday: May 12

Mark McCullough

Unit 15

C: 503-332-4519

Joe McDonald*

Unit 206

C: 503-312-5952

Birthday: March 23

Kelly McDowell*

Duncan McEwan

Susan McEwan

Laura (Beth) McGuire

Unit 185

C: 503-880-7627

Birthday: March 22

Shawna McGuire

Unit 60

C: 503-863-6685

Birthday: February 8

Sue McPhee

Robin Mead

Bonnie Miller*

Delayne Moon

George Moon

Betty Mundis

Joseph Mundis

Pat Murdzak*

Unit 112

H: 805-938-7505

Birthday: April 15

Judee Naylor

Ernie Negus

Unit 11

C: 503-927-5336

Kerry Niblack*

Robert Niblack*

Unit 123

C: 310-869-7311

Charles Nicks

Clara O'Dell*

Darlyne O'Dell

Paul Olds

Unit 64

C: 503-312-8574

Paul Olds

Unit 93

C: 503-312-4541

Phyllis Olds

Unit 64

C: 503-312-8574

Sandy Olds

Unit 93

C: 503-314-0047

Ted Oliver

Kathryn Peckham*

Unit 211

C: 503-803-3118

Mike Peckham*

Hugh J. Penland

Kevin Pike

Unit 153

H: 503-278-7818

C: 971-294-2217

Phyllis Popailo*

Unit 51

C: 503-713-1132

Birthday: July 17

Jack Poston

Carolyn Prather

Unit 184

H: 503-747-3899

C: 503-730-6274

Birthday: October 21

Susan Pruett

Darci Rambo

Diane Randle

Unit 37

Ann Ray*

Unit 206

C: 971-205-4758

Birthday: September 15

Lee Reck*

Unit 103

C: 971-330-2506

Birthday: August 3

William Reck*

Unit 103

C: 269-281-6172

Birthday: October 2

Barbara Reimer

Beverly Robinson

Marlene Rogers

Debra Rollins

Joanne Rollins

Unit 35

C: 503-312-3962

Judith Rosa

William Rouse*

Ronnie (Ron) Scarper*

Unit 118

H: 503-649-2046

C: 503-896-8129

Birthday: November 23

Cathie Scott*

Unit 166

C: 503-313-5266

Birthday: May 11

Gary Scott*

Unit 166

Birthday: February 21

Mark Seamans*

Unit 133

C: 603-770-8559

Birthday: September 30

Lois Seibt

Norma Sexton

Unit 12

C: 503-629-0580

Jean Shanbeck*

Tom Shanks

Unit 87

C: 231-690-0238

Robert (Bob) Shatzen

Unit 69

H: 503-313-6336

Birthday: February 11

Cathy Shaver*

Unit 193

H: 503-356-2339

Birthday: October 30

Gregory Shaver*

Unit 193

H: 503-356-2339

C: 503-715-7428

Birthday: June 27

George (Scott) Shepperd

Marc Sheridan

Unit 137

C: 971-708-9047

Teri Sheridan

Jim Shinkle

John Shotsky

Carolyn Siegel

Allen Simpson*

Mary Simpson*

David Smith

Dennis Smith*

Unit 208

H: 503-268-1240

C: 503-805-0026

Birthday: March 12

Move In Date: June 1, 2012

Janelle Smith

Kelli Smith

Randy Smith*

Unit 20

C: 503-936-6878

Birthday: April 6

Robin Smith*

Unit 20

C: 503-313-5112

Birthday: March 15

Tanya Smith-Herbert*

Unit 98

H: 503-617-0577

C: 503-270-0662

Birthday: April 16

Scott Spaan

Unit 143

H: 503-236-7505

Lynn St. Georges

Teresa Staigle

Sue Staley*

Unit 204

H: 503-430-1363

C: 971-427-0700

Birthday: November 26

Toni Staley*

Unit 204

C: 408-469-6157

Birthday: January 8

Dave Standard

Unit 126

C: 541-992-3342

Diana Sterling

Linda Stewart

Unit 167

C: 619-508-0305

Birthday: July 27

Sean Sturr*

Janet Sullivan

Jan (JJ) Swanke

Alan Thomas

Julie Thomas

Maiya Thomas

Unit 135

C: 503-341-6394

Dave Thompson

Unit 17

C: 503-619-6518

Birthday: August 9

Lisa Thompson

Unit 17

C: 503-619-6518

Birthday: May 16

Steve Thornton

Unit 102

C: 503-740-5690

Joanne Thorpe*

Unit 128

C: 503-431-0479

Birthday: October 22

Deborah Tobey

Ted Tobey

Esther Tompkins

Unit 52

H: 503-645-3474

Linda Tuerk

Barry Tver*

Unit 130

H: 971-371-3664

C: 503-709-0200

Birthday: May 19

Colleen Tver*

Unit 130

H: 971-371-3664

C: 503-840-0658

Birthday: July 10

Greig Van Dyke

Unit 154

H: 503-690-3361

C: 971-400-4453

Birthday: December 12

John Varley

Kerry Varley

Karen Victor

Kurt Victor

Dave Vrooman*

Unit 6

C: 503-466-0379

Birthday: August 7

Patricia Vyse

Lea Wackett

Jerri Wagner*

Mary Wagner

Robert Wagner

Dale Webster

Unit 40

C: 971-258-8271

Jan Westby*

Unit 174

C: 503-313-9356

Birthday: December 17

Elton White

Robert Williams

Whitney Williams

Karen Willock

Chuck Wilson*

Shirley Wilson*

Doug Wirth

Amy Wolf

Unit 32

C: 503-453-3379

Therese Young

Carol Zick

Unit 3

C: 970-623-6427

Stan Zuercher*

Unit 68

C: 503-374-2191