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P ... is for a Pleasant Potluck
Pay ... for any guests you bring
Please ... be respectful of others
Prepare ... an amount that feeds six to eight adults
Portions ... need to be controlled
Plan ... for your own clean up

Putting it All Together

The Potluck is a SERA Social event. SERA stands for Seminole Estates Residents Association. If you are a SERA social member, please wear your name tag. To become a SERA Social member the cost is $10.00 a year which allows you to come to the potluck for free plus discounts for various other events. Guests and non-SERA Social members will pay $5.00 per person at each potluck they attend. Check in at the card table to pay please.

The potluck is held on the second Thursday of each month at the Clubhouse. It starts at 6 pm but most come for a social/happy hour at 5 pm where choosing your dessert and appetizers is the tradition. You may want to bring a drink of your choice, however coffee, tea and punch are provided.

You also need to bring your own table service including a glass, plate, silverware and a grocery bag for taking home your used dished. There is not enough room in the kitchen to do clean up, that is why we ask that you take your things home.

PLEASE, bring a dish to share that is able to feed six to eight adults. Please be sure to sign up if you are attending. There is a sign-up sheet at the Clubhouse. Now here is the hard one... we ask humbly for your understanding... please, please be aware of your portion size as there are many to come behind you and we don't want to run out of food. You will have an opportunity to go up for seconds.

Each month various groups or persons host the potluck. They are responsible for the main dish which is usually a meat. Each month is centered around a specific theme. Every table has a card with something written on it to do with the theme. When that name is called those at that table go forward for their food.

Let's enjoy and make this a fun event for all. Thank you to those who participate.

SERA Board of Directors