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Proposed Rule Changes

Residents recently received a 60-Day Notice of Rule Change. This page strives to show the proposed changes. Text to be deleted is shown as delete this text. New text is shown as add this text.




Our Rules and Regulations have been developed as a basis for good relations within our Community. Working together providing cooperation and understanding, we will not only keep community standards high but will also maintain a happy, friendly atmosphere to assure each resident a maximum of convenience and comfort.

The following Rules and Regulations are part of your Rental/Lease Agreement. Please read the Rules and Regulations carefully and keep them on file as they constitute a binding agreement between you and the community owner. The Management will interpret and enforce these rules and regulations in a reasonable manner.



In this document the following terms are used, the intent and meaning of which shall be interpreted as follows:


Owner. Seminole Estates, LLC, and an Oregon Limited Liability Company of the Ram Trust.


Owner's Designee. Any person, firm, partnership or cooperation authorized in writing by Owner to act on its behalf with regard to the construction, development, operation and/or management of the Community.


Architectural Review Committee. The committee shall be comprised of: The Manager and Two Residents; One Resident selected by the Manager, and One Resident Selected by the SERA Board. Resident understands and agrees that the Architectural Review Committee shall have no liability to any Resident(s) based upon the good faith exercise of its judgment in giving or withholding consent on any and all decisions submitted to it. Resident also understands that the owner shall have the right of final say if needed.
Alterations. Any alterations to Homeowner's manufactured home or improvements (including but not limited to decks, storage sheds, walkways, fencing, driveways, installation of drainage pipes, painting color scheme changes, name signs and the like) constructed on Homeowner's lot and patio must have the prior written approval of Owner (Seminole Estates, LLC) whether those alterations or improvements are required by the site rental agreement or whether they are voluntarily proposed by Homeowner.


Resident. Any person or persons who enter into a Rental/Lease Agreement with Owner or Owner's Designee as a resident of the Community. (See Lease Agreement)


Manufactured Home Site. A parcel of land designated by number and/or street address and delineated on the master plans and site development plans. Owner will cause the front lot corners to be marked on the top of the concrete curb and gutter. Rear lot corners may be established if in Owners sole discretion it is necessary.


Common Area. Owner has established certain areas within the Community for the joint use and enjoyment of all residents, as well as providing for the functioning of the Community. These include, but are not limited to, the Community center, swimming pool, guest parking, laundry facilities, utility easements, and street corridors.


Limited Common Areas. Owner has established other areas within the Community for the restrictive use and enjoyment of those residents which qualify themselves accordingly. These areas include, but are not limited to the RV/storage area.



Residents and guests have the right to use the Homesite and Community facilities only if they comply with these Rules and Regulations and the other provisions of the Community's residency documents. Owner will attempt to promptly, equally and impartially obtain the cooperation and compliance of all residents with respect to the Rules and Regulations and other conditions of residency. Resident recognizes however, that Owner's ability to obtain compliance is dependent upon a number of factors including the cooperation of all residents and their guests. Resident agrees, therefore, that the enforcement of these Rules and Regulation and conditions of tenancy are a private matter between Owner and each Resident individually.



The Owner shall be represented by a Property Manager and a management company who are vested with all the legal right and authority to enforce the Rules and Regulations on behalf of the Owner. Any reference herein to the term Owner shall include and may be interchanged with the term Property Manager and Owner's management company, representatives, officers, employees and agents.



This Community is a 55+ community providing housing for older persons. At least eighty (80) percent of the homes in this Community must be occupied by at least one resident fifty-five (55) years of age or older. All other resident(s) of the household or other homes must be at least forty-five (45) years of age or older. Unless written consent is granted by Owner, which may be given or withheld in Owner's sole discretion, Residents may not sell their home to anyone who (a) is less the forty-five (45) years of age; or (b) between the ages of forty-five (45) years of age and fifty-four (54) years of age, but will not also have at least one full-time occupant who is at least fifty-five (55) years of age. Resident understands and agrees that Owner may survey all Residents not less than every two (2) years to verify compliance with these age restrictions under the Fair Housing laws.



The number of persons occupying a Manufactured Home shall not exceed two (2) persons per bedroom plus one (1) additional person. A bedroom is defined as a living space designed for sleeping which contains closet space but which does not contain plumbing.




Resident agrees to acquaint all guests with the conditions of residence of the Community, including but not limited to the Community Rules and Regulations. The resident is personally responsible for the actions and conduct of his or her guests within the Community.


Based on health and safety (e.g. fire) considerations, Owner reserves the right to determine whether the Community's recreational and other facilities can accommodate all the residents and their guests at one time. Owner reserves the right to make such determination and refuse any guest access to said facilities.


A guest is permitted to use the recreational facilities only while accompanied by a resident.




Air Conditioners. Any air conditioner(s) installed must be kept in good operating condition and must not make excessive noise that will be disturbing to another resident. All air conditioning units/swamp coolers must be installed on a concrete or fiber glass pad and screened from street view. No rooftop units/swamp coolers are permitted.


Storage Sheds. Every home shall have a storage shed. Storage sheds must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee Owner's Designee prior to construction. Storage sheds may be manufactured kit-form sheds or professionally built, be constructed of wood, and shall have composition roof compatible with the home, Sheds are to be painted to match the home with the appropriate background and trim colors. Sheds shall be place on a four inch (4") thick concrete pad. Pursuant to the rental agreement, all Sheds shall be maintained by Resident.


Fencing. Prior to construction all fences must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee Owner's Designee.




All landscaping other than the common area, including but not limited to shrubs, vines, bushes and lawns, shall be kept well maintained by Resident. Such maintenance shall include, but not be limited to:


Lawns mowed and trimmed as appropriate to the Season for neatness of appearance.


Homesite shall be kept free of weeds and debris at all times.


The trimming of all shrubs, vines, and bushes in a manner that maintains an attractive shape and prevents such plants from blocking a neighbors view or from being excessively high or brushing against a neighbor's home or awning.


The trimming and maintenance of all trees and shrubs shall be in a manner that prevents them from developing a root structure that causes cracking or buckling or otherwise interferes with the streets, driveways or other Community facilities.


Resident is responsible for the maintenance of all trees located on his/her homesite. Resident will not trim trees or shrubs on Community property other than on his/her homesite without Owner's written consent.


The resident cannot cut down and or remove any tree on the homesite without written consent of the Owner. The Owner may remove any tree it deems necessary without the consent of the resident at the Owner's Expense.


When vacationing or absent for any other reason, it is the responsibility of the Resident to arrange for someone to water and to maintain the homesite.

Landscaping must be maintained at all times by Resident or after ten (10) days notice to the Resident. By this written agreement (as that term is defined in ORS 90.725), after ten (10) days notice to the Resident, Owner's Designee may take any action required to maintain said landscaping. The cost for labor, equipment and/or materials, including water, for said maintenance incurred by Owner, will be at Resident's sole expense. This expense shall be immediately reimbursed to Owner upon notice to the Resident. All additions or changes to existing landscaping should be presented to Owner for approval. Said expense is not a fee pursuant to ORS 90.302(7)(c) and failure to pay the expense is a violation of this rule.



All improvements must be installed within sixty (60) days following the Certificate of Occupancy. No building, addition, accessory, fence, wall or other structure or improvement shall be commenced, erected, maintained or placed upon any homesite nor shall any addition to or change or alteration therein be made until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, location, and approximate cost of such structure or improvement have been submitted to and approved in writing by Architectural Review Committee Owner's Designee.



Homesites will remain under the direct control of Owner. Resident shall maintain his/her home, garage/carport/storage shed and improvement in good repair. Resident shall clean and paint the exterior of his/her home/garden/carport and improvements as required to keep its visual appearance attractive. Additionally, Resident shall be responsible for ensuring that all downspouts are connected and remain connected to the stormwater system supplied by Owner.

After ten (10) days notice to the Resident, Owner's Designee may take any action required to maintain Homesite. The cost for labor and material will be at Residents' sole expense.


Storage. Wheels, hitches, and other items permitted by law are the only things which may be stored under the home. Storage of anything behind or on the outside of the home is prohibited. No fuel, oil, or material of explosive or combustible nature shall be stored on any homesite within the Community except as provided for in Paragraph 11.2. No rubbish or debris of any kind shall be placed or permitted to accumulate upon or adjacent to any homesite and no odors shall be permitted to arise therefrom, so as to render any such homesite or any portion thereof unsanitary, unsightly, offensive or detrimental to any other homesite in the vicinity thereof or to its occupants.


Only outdoor patio furniture and barbecues approved for use by Owner (such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld) may be left on the patio, porch, yard or other portions of the homesite. (Homeowner is responsible for operating the Bar-B-Q within the confines of the manufactures suggested proximity limitations).


No towels, rugs, wearing apparel, or laundry of any description may be hung outside of the home at any time unless hung on approved clothesline.


No boat, boat trailer, travel trailer, or any similar property shall be stored on said homesite or common parking areas, except in areas designated for this purpose by Owner.


No Resident shall permit anything or condition to exist upon any homesite which shall induce, breed or harbor infectious diseases or noxious insects.


No Resident shall install any drainage system without review and approval of Owner's Designee.


Dangerous Materials. Anything which creates a threat to health and safety shall not be permitted on the homesite. No flammable, combustible, or explosive fluid, material, chemical or substance (except those customarily used for normal household purposes which shall be properly stored within the Manufactured Home and/or storage building) may be stored on the homesite and then only in quantities reasonably necessary for normal household purposes.


Exterior Painting. The exterior paint on Resident's home, accessory structures and equipment shall be properly maintained. Proper maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, the repainting of the exterior whenever the paint begins to fade, peel, flake, chip or deteriorate in any other manner that detracts from the aesthetic beauty of the Community. Written approval and color selection must be obtained from the Architectural Committee Owner's Designee prior to any painting. (The color chart will be established by the ARC Owner's Designee, approved by the owner and kept in the manager's office for all to see and use).


Damage. If any portion of the exterior of the Manufactured Home, it's accessory equipment, structures, appliances, or the homesite are damaged, the damage must be repaired or replaced in accordance with Oregon law.


Trash Removal. Resident will arrange for and pay garbage disposal from the sanitation disposal company authorized to service the Community by the Owner. Residents must provide acceptable garbage containers which are kept clean and odor free. All refuse must be wrapped or bagged and may not be placed outside the container. Preferably Trash, Yard Debris, and Recycling containers should be screened from view from the street. When emptied, said container shall be immediately (same day) replaced to their storage place. No incinerators shall be kept or maintained on any homesite.


Concrete. All concrete, asphalt and other surfaces shall be kept clean and maintained free of oil and all other sticky or oily substances.


Driveway and Street Area. Individual driveway maintenance shall be Resident's responsibility. Residents shall keep the area in front of their homesite free from debris.


Utility Pedestals. The utility pedestals (water and utility hookups) must be accessible at all times. If one of the Community's water shut-off valves is located on Resident's homesite, it must be kept uncovered and accessible at all times. Resident shall not connect, except through existing electrical or natural gas outlets or water pipes on the homesite, any apparatus or device for the purposes of using electrical current, natural gas or water.


Clotheslines. No clotheslines or similar facilities used for the outdoor drying of clothes shall be constructed or installed on Resident's homesite if it can be viewed either from the street or from any neighbor's homesite.

After ten (10) days notice to Resident, owner reserves the right without liability to themselves, and at their sole discretion, to enter the premises of any Manufactured Homesite to clean up rubbish and/or take any action required to keep or bring the premises up to Community standards. Charges for such labor, material and/or equipment will be borne by the Resident.



The Owner shall have a right of entry upon the homesite for maintenance of utilities, for maintenance of the homesite where the Resident fails to maintain the homesite in accordance with the Rules and Regulations, and for the protection of the Community at a time which would not interfere with the occupant's quiet enjoyment. The Owner may enter a home without the prior written consent of the Resident in the case of an emergency or when the Resident has abandoned the home. Resident holds Owner and Owner's Designee harmless for any acts performed by Owner and/or Owner's Designee, their employees, or agents while functioning in such capacities in accordance with Oregon law.



New FCC changes (11/98 allow antennas 12' high off homes and satellite dishes up to 1M anywhere on home. Antennas are for TV reception only, not CB, HAM, etc. No lines, wires, or other devices for the communication or transmission of electric current or power, including telephone, television, and radio signals shall be erected, placed, or maintained anywhere in or upon any homesite unless the same shall be contained in conduits or cables installed and maintained underground or concealed in, under or on buildings or other structures. No provision thereof shall be deemed to forbid the erection of temporary power or telephone structures incidental to the construction of buildings or structures approved by Owner.

No change, alteration, or repair shall be made by Resident to any gas, electrical, television, telephone, water, sewer facilities, or equipment. No well or septic tank shall be constructed on said homesite or any portion thereof.

Changes or repairs to utilities from the street curb caused by the resident to the home will be paid by Resident, including clogged sewers above ground. Owner reserves the right to disconnect utilities with twenty-four (24) hour written notice in accordance with ORS Chapter 90. This disconnection will be done in order that repairs, alterations or additions may be made and the Owner shall in no way be responsible for any loss suffered by Resident in doing so. Resident must allow access at all times to manholes, catch basins, drain lines, water lines, and meters for service.




Because of the width of the streets and the need to keep the street clear for the passage of emergency vehicles, all automobiles, motorcycles, and small trucks must be parked in Resident's garage/carport/driveway or in designated parking areas, automobiles and/or other vehicles or trailers and boats not parked in accordance with these Rules and Regulations may be towed and stored at the Resident's expense. Residents are responsible for violations of these Rules and Regulations by their guests and invitees.


Vehicles parked on Resident's homesite may only be parked on the driveway and not on the landscaped or other areas of the homesite. Parking in not permitted on vacant homesites at any time.


Guests may only park in designated guest parking areas or at the host Resident's homesite. A guest may park their RV in the street at the host's homesite overnight. The generator of the RV may not be run.


With the exception of designated RV lots, no RV can be parked on the driveway or in the street, except for loading and unloading and in no case longer than eight (8) hours. A guest may park their RV in front of the host resident's home overnight with the permission of the park manager. If needed the RV may be plugged into the resident's electrical outlet so as to not run the generator. The generator of the RV may not be run while anywhere at the facility.


No automobile may be "stored" on the homesite. "Storage" shall include, but not be limited to the parking of an inoperative vehicle for a period exceeding two (2) weeks, the parking of an operative vehicle that is not used for a period exceeding four (4) weeks or the parking of more than one vehicle for the purpose of selling or repair of those vehicles as part of a commercial activity. However, Residents may leave their vehicle in their parking space when on vacation. If there is a need to extend the storage of a vehicle beyond the above mentioned time periods, then written permission from the Community Manager is required.


A limited number of parking spaces are available for travel trailers, boats, campers and vehicles only on a first-come first-serve basis. By providing such spaces to Residents, Owner is providing a service. Therefore, Owner may impose an additional fee for the storage of any vehicle, boat, camper, or travel trailer. Owner has no obligation to provide space within the recreational vehicle parking area or elsewhere for all such vehicles belonging to Resident.




A vehicle leaking oil or any other substances or fluids must be removed from the Community until all repairs are made and the situation corrected.


No maintenance (other than vehicle washing), repair, or other work of any kind on any vehicle, boat, or trailer (other than the home in which Resident resides) may be done on the homesite. This includes, but is not limited to, the changing of oil.


Any car dripping oil or gasoline must be tended to immediately. If a car leaks on street or driveway it must be removed immediately.


For the safety of Community Residents and their guest, no vehicle may be driven in an unsafe manner. The basic rules of the road should be observed at all times. All vehicles must be driven slowly when in the park.


Excessively noisy vehicles are nor permitted in the Community.


No dirt bikes or loud off-road vehicles are permitted to operate within the Community.


Motorcycles, motor scooter's, minibikes, mopeds, or other two-and three-wheel motorized vehicles entering or leaving the Community must be driven by the most direct route between the Community's entrance and Resident's home. All such vehicles shall be equipped with mufflers and/or other necessary noise-suppressing devices.


Bicycles may only be driven on the roadways and not on grass, vacant homesites or any other paved area. Bicycles must obey the same traffic regulations as cars. Bicycles may not be ridden on the sidewalk area around the recreation center.


If driven at night or at dusk, bicycles must be equipped with a light on the front and a reflector on the rear.


Skateboards are prohibited within the community.




Actions by any person of any nature which may be dangerous or may create a health and safety problem or disturb others are not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to any unusual, disturbing, or excessive noise, intoxication, quarreling, threatening, fighting, discharging of firearms, illegal fireworks, profanity, rude, boisterous, objectionable, or abusive language, or offensive conduct that is either illegal or interferes with the safety or quiet enjoyment of Owner, Owners, agents, other Residents, their guests, or invitees.


Radios, television, record players, musical instruments and other devices must be used so as not to disturb others. Amateur "Ham" or "CB" radios may be operated in the Community as long as they do not interfere with other forms of communication.


All homesites and structures are intended for private residential purposes. No business activities may be permitted which impact and /or disrupt the Community. In-home businesses will not be of a store front nature, will not cause a significant increase or impact on automobile traffic flow or parking and will not cause significant noise or other Community disruption. There will be no signage which is visible from the street. Examples of such business which meet the above criteria are: Internet Businesses, Real Estate sales, home cleaning, seamstress, and travel coordinator.


The use of any type of spray equipment (paint sprayers, landscape sprayers, chemical sprayers, exterminator sprayers, etc.) would potentially cause drift into other yards within the Community. The resident assumes all liability for the use of any type of spray equipment should there be any undesirable effects such as wind carried overspray or adverse effects to persons or property or the Resident's own property.


The violation of any law or ordinance of the City, County, State or Federal government will not be tolerated. No acts or demeanor shall be permitted which would place the Owner in violation of any law or ordinance.


Soliciting is prohibited. All sales people must make individual appointments with the Resident concerned or interested.


To facilitate security, Owner's Designee must be notified when Resident is going to be absent from the Community for more than seventy-two (72) hours. And upon Resident's return, Owner's Designee must be notified. This will allow Owner's Designee to act accordingly in case of an emergency or security matter. TENANT'S home is required to be occupied by TENANT and must not be vacant at any time for a period longer that 60 days.


No nuisance shall be permitted to exist or operate upon such homesite so as to be offensive or detrimental to any other homesite in the vicinity thereof or to its occupants. Without limiting the generality of any of the foregoing provisions, no exterior speakers, horns, whistles, bells, wind socks, or other sound devices, except security devices used exclusively for security purposes, shall be located, used or placed on any such homesite. Owner, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to determine the existence of any such nuisance.


Trespassing through an occupied Homesite is prohibited.


Neighborhood disputes are not the concern of the Owner unless the Community is involved. Personality conflicts are not under the purview of Owner's Designee. Please respect your neighbors!



Owner's Designee shall at all times have the right to either prevent access to, or eject from, the Community, any person deemed in their sole judgment to eject without notice any person or persons who the Designee believes has created or will create a disturbance, nuisance, or danger to the health, safety, welfare, or quiet enjoyment of the Residents, their guests and invitees. Owner's Designee shall be the sole judge of such conditions and the need for such action.

The property of the Community shall be used by the Residents with care for such purpose as the said property is designated. The cost of any damage, replacement or repair (ordinary "wear-and-tear" excepted) occasioned by the careless or negligent use of the premises or property of the Community by any person shall be paid for by the person responsible for such damage. Residents shall also be responsible for the costs of any damages caused by their guests.

No person shall remove from the Community premises any articles belonging to the Community, nor remove, transfer or borrow any Community equipment for the use on or within their own premises without specific written consent of Owner.

Owners Designee shall have the right to regulate the use of all facilities and to refuse the use of these areas to any person. All facilities are for the exclusive use of the Residents and their guests and shall be used at their own risk. Owner reserved the right to prohibit guests from the use of facilities if they interfere with Residents use. Each facility may have separate Rules and Regulations governing their use posted in the specific area and they will be considered a part of these Rules and Regulations.


Community Center. The Community Center (Clubhouse and Pool Room Building) is for the use of all residents of the Community. In order to avoid conflicts, all meetings and social events must be scheduled in advance with the manager and be posted for referral. A monthly calendar of events will be posted on the bulletin board.


Private Parties. Residents wishing to reserve the clubhouse or rooms in the clubhouse for private parties, meetings or other functions should apply by making arrangements with the Owner at least two (2) weeks in advance when applicable. There are exceptions and these should be discussed with the Owner. Should the date not conflict with any other applications, social events, or planned use of the facilities and upon approval by the Owner, the request will be granted. All such functions must be carried on in full compliance with the Rules and Regulations and the other residency documents of the Community. Resident will, therefore, be required to provide Owner with information relating to the function so that Owner may evaluate the function. No alcoholic beverages shall be served, except at certain Owner sanctioned functions and/or unless written permission is granted by Owner. The conditions of such private use include, but are not limited to:


No Resident shall be denied access to any Community facilities during normal hours of operation. It is incumbent upon all Residents to be aware of their actions and minimize any disruption to the authorized scheduled activities of others.


Resident is responsible for cleanup within 24 hours of completion of the event. If the Community Center is left dirty, cluttered or damaged, the cost of such cleanup and/or repair will be charged against the resident.


The resident who reserved the Clubhouse shall be present and in charge at the scheduled event.


Swimming Pool. There will be no lifeguard on duty! All Residents and guests are expected to observe the rules posted. Children of guests must be accompanied and supervised by a Resident. Anyone wearing diapers, must wear protective swimwear. No one is to use the pool except during the posted hours. Glass containers of any type are not allowed in the pool area. Persons in swimming suits or trunks, wet or dry, will not be allowed in the clubhouse. Resident and guests must wear a shirt at all times in the clubhouse. Footwear must be worn in the Community building Clubhouse.


Smoking. Smoking is prohibited inside any portion of the recreation facilities.


Community Bulletin Board. The Community bulletin board may be used by a Resident for not longer than 30 days to advertise the sale of a specific item or items or to relay information to other Residents. Any item placed on the bulletin board must be dated and approved by Owner Manager.


Rest Rooms. These Community conveniences are maintained as a part of your lifestyle. Your cooperation in keeping them clean is expected and appreciated. Anything appearing to be out of order should be immediately reported to Owner's Designee. Facilities must be left clean after use.



Permission to keep an indoor house pet in the Community must be obtained from the Owner Owner's Designee. No animals, birds, fowl, poultry, or livestock, other than generally recognized house pets, shall be maintained on any homesite and then only if they are kept, bred or raised thereon solely as domestic pets and not for commercial purposes. Non-house pets are prohibited under any circumstances. Owner may prohibit from the Community strange and illegal, dangerous, poisonous, wild, farm animals or aggressive animals, such as pit bulls, Doberman pincers, Rottweiler's, or exotic animals such as snakes, monkeys, reptiles, or any other animals which, due to their nature, breed, vicious or unpredictable propensities, or deemed by Owner to pose a potential threat to health, safety, and welfare of the Residents, their guests, and invitees. Before being permitted in the Community, all pets must first be registered with and approved by Owner Owner's Designee, and a recent photograph of Resident's pet be provided along with the signing of the Community PET AGREEMENT.


Written permission must be obtained from Owner Owner's Designee to:


Acquire a new pet.


Replace a lost or deceased pet.


The following rules must be strictly followed by all pet owners. Recurring violations of these rules will lead to the loss of the privilege to maintain a pet.


No more than two permitted pets per Homesite.


Each pet must be licensed and inoculated in accordance with local law.


Pets running loose in the Community will be taken to Animal Control.


Pets will not be allowed in the clubhouse or any recreational area at any time. Assistance animals are considered exceptions to this rule, provided, however, they may not pose any threat to the health, safety and welfare of other Residents, their guests, and invitees.


No animal shall be allowed to make an unreasonable amount of noise or to become a nuisance. Under no condition are pets to invade the privacy of anyone's homesite, shrubs, flower beds, etc.


No exterior pet housing is permitted in the Community. This includes, but is not limited to any type of confining barricade or structure.


Tying of pets outside the Home and leaving them unattended is prohibited.


Pets may be walked on the Community streets provided that they are on a leash at all times. Regardless of the area, any excrement left by a pet must be picked up immediately and disposed of in an appropriate manner.


Guests may bring pets into the community. Residents are responsible for guests pets as if they were their own.

Upon the written request of any Resident, Owner Owner's Designee shall conclusively determine, in its sole discretion, whether, for the purposes of this section, a particular animal is a generally recognized house pet, or nuisance, or whether the number of animals on any such homesite is reasonable. Any decision rendered by Owner shall be enforceable as are other restrictions contained in this document.




No signs whatsoever (including, but not limited to, commercial, advertising, and similar signs) shall be erected or maintained by Resident on any homesite except:


Such signs as may be required by legal proceedings;


Not more than two (2) residential identification signs with a combined total face area of seventy-two (72) square inches or less for each homesite.


"For Sale" sign not larger that five (5) square feet for each homesite. "For Sale" signs are limited to one (1) per home. "For Sale" signs must be professionally constructed (no handwritten signs) and meet community standards including size, color, letter size and construction.


Political signs. The size of the sign may not exceed five (5) square feet. All political signs must be removed from view within three (3) days after the election, measure, or other political event they address. No signs will be permitted that due to their subject matter, would be deemed objectionable or offensive to other residents. The final decision on all signage shall be left to the Architectural Review Committee Owner's Designee.


Along with the sale of the Manufactured Home, the name of the Community and address may be used for Community Bazaars and Carport Sales.



A Manufactured Home may not be removed from its homesite and replaced by another home without prior approval of Owner. Resident shall give Owner not less than ten (10) days prior written notice of intent to sell Resident's home (See, ORS 90.680). Prior to taking occupancy of the home the prospective purchase must be approved for residency by Owner, execute a Statement of Policy, rental agreement and copy of the then existing Community Rules and Regulations and execute any additional residency documents then in effect. Owner reserves the right to refuse or accept any application for residency or Manufactured Home in the Community on the same basis that Owner approves or disapproves of any new Resident or Manufactured Home.



Owner shall not be held responsible for loss or damage to property or vehicle of Resident or guest by fire, theft, or acts of God, or personal injury at the pool or any other place in the Community.



Except in an emergency, please do not telephone or contact the Owner or Owner's Designee after normal business hours. The Community's office phone is for business and emergency use only. Except for emergencies, all complaints must be in writing, signed and dated by the person(s) making the complaint.



These Rules and Regulations may be enforced by eviction or any and all proceeding at law by Owner for the purpose of securing equitable relief, monetary damages, or both. A failure in one or more instances to insist upon terms, conditions, or provisions of these Rules and Regulations in order to enforce the same shall not be construed as thereafter waiving or relinquishing any right that Owner may have and the waiver of one default or right shall not constitute a wavier of any other default or right. Invalidation of any portion of these Rules and Regulations by judgement or by court order shall in no was effect any of the remaining provisions.



Owner reserves the right to add to, delete, amend, and revise these Rules and Regulations from time to time, as well as additional Rules and Regulations and hours posted in and about the recreational facilities, as provided in ORS Chapter 90.



The heading and titles of the paragraphs within these Rules and Regulations are included for purposes of convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of any of the provisions of said Rules and Regulations.